Join the adventures of 13 American students and one professor as they travel through England and Wales, touring castles, cathedrals, churches, and monasteries, and learning about medieval Britain.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Fellow Travelers
Thomas Howell
Monday, April 25, 2011
Matthew's "Official Post"
My name is Matt and this is not my first time out time out of the country but it is my first time going to England and Wales. Before I have been to Canada, Germany, France, and Italy. I have also done a lot of traveling within the United States. Although I have done all of this traveling I have yet to see a castle or monastery so that is one thing I am most looking forward to. I'm also looking forward to going to London for the first time. I live close to Chicago and enjoy going down there on day trips so I'm really excited for my day trip(s) to London. While I'm there I hope to see a lot of Harry potter sites as well. My girlfriend and I are big fans and can not wait to see the "tourist" sites and not just harry Potter ones. At the end of the trip I hope to have seen and learned a lot about many different subjects from the theme of the course and outside of the theme.
Until next time,
Amanda's "Official Post"
I'm Amanda. Going to Britain will be my first time out of the country, and for the most part, out of the Midwest. I live fairly close to Chicago and ave been traveling there since I was about 7. My aunt always took me because my parents dislike big cities. Unlike them, I've always felt most comfortable in the city. That is why I'm going on this trip. I wanted to travel and to see the world starting with England. As a part of my bucket list I want to travel to every country that I'm from (England, Germany, Poland, Ireland, Sweden, France, and so many more). This is the beginning of my many trips. This being my first trip out of the country I hope to see everything that I can and take everything in. I think older structures are so cool to look at so seeing all the castles and such will be amazing. I also think with the group that is going we will have a lot of fun together. I don't know if I could go to another country on my own so I'm so grateful to have the group that I do to travel with. It will be a wonderful time but the next 5 days I have much packing and shopping to do, and so many people to see.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
TJU's official post
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Mandy's Official Post 1
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Andrew's First Official Post
kevin Official Post 1
Weather update: Always a good conversation starter
Malynda's Pre-Departure "Offical Post"
Ta-ta for now, see you in the U.K.!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Kaitlyn's Official Post
Good-day Mate!! Oh wait, wrong country. Kaitlyn (or KC) here and I'm currently a junior here at WCollege. I've been looking forward to this trip to England and Wales since signing up for it. For all the years I have been at college, I've wanted to travel with the study abroad program but just never had a chance due to being a park of the track program. I guess the best way to express my excitement was how early I packed for this trip. I believe I packed over Winter Break and that was at the beginning of March. Yah... Anyways, the part that I'm looking forward the most is experiencing the whole culture of England and Wale though this isn't my first time abroad. I've been to Switzerland, Germany (twice), Lichtentein-just to say we've been there, Austria, Italy and Barbados. But I think I'm more excited for this trip because of learning and studying this country all semester and I'm not travelling with my parents. Well that's all I have for now. My next report will be from the "HILLS" of England/Wales. Tah-tah for now or as the Welsh say "Nos da."
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Sondra's "Official Post"
I hope you're all as excited as I am!
Nicole "Official Post"
Friday, April 15, 2011
Courtney's "Oficial Post"
Weather and Money
And today's exchange rate is $1.63 to the British pound.